09 218 8988 info@mydentist.nz

Invisalign Invisible Braces

Invisalign is the clear alternative to braces. It’s an invisible orthodontic system that straightens teeth with a series of custom-made, clear aligners. Invisalign also uses 3D computer technology to produce your aligners as per our orthodontist’s instructions.

Week by week, your teeth gradually move by wearing each set of aligners, until the desired result is achieved.

Some advantages of Invisalign over traditional braces:

  • Appearance – Invisalign braces are barely noticeable while traditional braces sit on your teeth with food easily getting caught in them
  • Comfort – Invisalign braces are easily removable, unlike traditional braces that must remain in place unless removed by a professional
  • Safety – There are no sharp bits of metal poking at the soft bits of tissue that is your mouth
  • Shorter treatment – while metal braces can take many years, Invisalign treatment can be much faster, and range between 3 months, to about 1 year only.

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