09 218 8988 info@mydentist.nz

Root Canal Treatment

There’s no need to worry if you have to get a root canal. Millions of teeth around the world are saved each year with root canal treatment. Root canal treatment saves teeth that have been damaged by decay, disease, or injury.

Instead of removal patients can keep the damaged tooth instead of having to go through a tooth extraction.

What is a root canal, anyway? Every tooth has an inner part called a root canal inside of it. Inside of the canals sits dental pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels. That dental pulp can become diseased causing toothaches or abscesses. In order to save the tooth, root canal treatment is performed.

Once the local anaesthetic has been applied, the top of the tooth is drilled to create access to the root canal. The pulp affected by the disease, damage, or decay is removed, then the canal is disinfected. After being washed with a sterilising solution and prepped, the inside of the tooth is replaced with a filling and then sealed. Depending on your situation a crown might be recommended to reinforce and seal the tooth further.

In the event of infection, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics.

Signs you need a root canal:

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold that lingers or hurts after the stimuli has been removed
  • Significant tooth pain while eating or when pressure is applied to the area
  • Intense pain in your ear
  • Darkening of the tooth
  • Swelling and tenderness in the gums near the area of teeth pain.

Anxiety-free Treatment with IV Sedation

For added comfort, we can offer IV sedation. This common and safe option gives you a state of deep relaxation and often temporary amnesia, making you feel as though you slept through the procedure.


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